Thursday, August 6, 2009

A day of high drama

After collecting the repaired hub yesterday and refitting it,it turns out that i didn't tighten each nut properly. So after starting to tow the boat 2hrs north to Lanillis, i noticed the repaired wheel as we were crawling behind a tractor. In a layby i discovered another bolt sheered off the same hub. With 90mins of driving ahead, i stopped into a local supermarket where with the help of my father (who had joined the convoy) we jacked it up and swapped over a spare wheel. With a few circuits of the carpark to check for wobbles, we decided to head north at a moderate pace. Thankfully there were no more dramas and we got to the destination in good time - if only a littld tired from checking mirrors and speed all the way. So i'm currently typing this note into my phone as i can't sleep with worry about being able to get the hub fixed tomorrow morning before the wedding that we're here for! Oh yes and Monday morning we leave on the 5+hr drive to Cherbourg. My hub is in the lap of the wheel gods!

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